Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Thought...

What I've received is very wordy and paragraph-oriented. That's OK, but just remember that you will need to present your section to the class. As such, an outline or list of points would be good to have on hand, if your write-up is lacking in that respect.

Just a thought...

Update from homebase Caudle

I am just starting the site now. Expect it done for the morning, or perhaps midnighty or so if you are so inclined to stay up late for it.

I WILL print it out, but can't burn it to CD (as my burner and software are total garbage) so someone else will have to do that, unless it's OK for us to just leave it online (which I doubt is acceptable, as I'll be ditching my shaw account in either one month, or five.

Stay tuned for more updates.

a note on the project

Just a reminder...we need to have a black/white printout, and the project saved to a CD, to hand in to Durkin for marking.

I don't know if I took the right approach - I have a large volume of material, that would probably take 10-15 minutes to cover thoroughly - so I'll just skim it in the presentation portion, and then people can take the time to read it in-depth/go to links if they want to later on.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


you might want to check out, and the TI link I posted below, and the CPS site - all of them have data recording/analysis as a feature. The CPSOnline system allows data to be recorded/compared/analysed across entire districts if wanted - I think it's tied to the drive for standardized testing in the US, by the number of times that word comes up on their site...

For Kyle

Kyle - the TI Navigator can be used for testing as well - it has automatic grading, that sort of stuff.

A article on Web-portfolios

Computer Based Assessment

Hey mark check out this article.

Click Clack!!!!

Computer Based Assessment

What questions do you think we can ask the class to demonstrate the i -clicker???
I need to make up a power point for it!!!!!

Reminder on content

Hey folks...

Just a reminder (although I am probably insulting everyone's intelligence here) - make sure you discuss the assessment theory stuff in your sections, not just talk about what's out there - I had a really good description of certain products going, but hadn't discussed advantages/disadvantages with regards to all the theory we've covered (eg i-clicker - anonymous, immediate feedback, etc.)

A question on time...

Just a quick question - how long is the total presentation time? Just so I have some idea on timeline...

Computer Based Assessment

Computer Based Assessment

hey check out these sites


Typing in word

If you want to use word - when you go to save, click "Save As," and then select "Rich Text Format" from the drop-down list.

Alan's Stuff

Given that JD needs this stuff in time to develop the web pages, we should probably plan to cover Alan's stuff if we don't hear from him today. I still haven't heard from him - anyone else? And any ideas how to break it down? As an idea, we could all just talk a bit about current/future implementation within our own sections?


Here's a link to the website's future address. Right now all there is is a template page that I plan on using. Does it look OK? Navigation/layout OK with everyone? Let me know if it's not so I can get another one.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I Clickin'

Mark, JD and I got the i-clickers from Dr. Pelton today. I tested them out, and they work fine. Although, there is tonnes of other functions, but I think we should just show the basic answering question funtion, and graphing the answer function. Then we could talk about some of the other testing and grading stuff in the presentation. Steve, it has recording and grading embedded in the system, so you can mention something about it in your write up.
Leslie also mention something about 'hot potatoes' and 'construction' software. Something we can research, also Mark wrote some stuff down about it..

anyways....goood luck



What everybody is doing.....

Ok, here is a list of the jobs that each person has been delegated.

Steve- Recording/analyzing- Integrade Pro

Kyle- Electronic Tests/Quizzes (clicker demonstration included?)

Mark- Alternative Assessment (assignments ect...)

Alan- Past/Present/Future implementation (history and direction of use)

JD- Intro- creation of website and info

The beginning of the assignment

Here we go guys...

We can post things that we have found, leave attachments, and then we can also comment on what each other has put up. I hope to hear from all of us soon