Thursday, November 30, 2006

Update from homebase Caudle

I am just starting the site now. Expect it done for the morning, or perhaps midnighty or so if you are so inclined to stay up late for it.

I WILL print it out, but can't burn it to CD (as my burner and software are total garbage) so someone else will have to do that, unless it's OK for us to just leave it online (which I doubt is acceptable, as I'll be ditching my shaw account in either one month, or five.

Stay tuned for more updates.


Blogger Mark said...

"Calling homebase Caudle....pssshht....come in....pshhht*crackle*pshssht....

Ok, I'm way to tired here. Anyways, JD - if you want to email it to me when completed, I can burn it tomorrow morning before I leave.

We'll see you all tomorrow....have a dandy evening.

10:19 PM


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